
Liang Xu is a young and passionate filmmaker currently residing in WA. Liang originally studied Fine Arts at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in China. After graduating and moving to Australia, Liang pursued his interest in film and studied Digital Cinema at Central TAFE and cinematography at the WA Screen Academy. He shot his first short film Sundown, WA Screen Academy recognised Liang’s cinematography and awarding him the best cinematography award for Sundown. The Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS) also recognised his work, awarding him a Gold Award on Sundown.

He had been involved in two international feature film co-productions including as an assistant art director ‘Mountains May Depart’ and assistant editor for ‘Hello Mrs Money’. As he has a long background of studying fine art, he has always wanted to express his work in visual languages, he has also worked as an editor, production designer and still photographer on multiple types of productions. 

He enjoys feeling life, feeling experiences, feeling feelings.


EMAIL : xuliangqd@126.com

MOBILE : 0481 590 143

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